Hospice Care
VNA Health at Home takes pride in caring for patients through the end-stages of advanced illness. We offer this care wherever a patient calls home; from the house they have lived in for decades to a skilled nursing center or facility.
At a time when exceptional care is needed most, VNA Health at Home employs a team approach to end-of-life care. Our interdisciplinary hospice care team includes:
- Physicians
- Registered nurses
- Chaplains
- Nurse’s aides
- Social workers
- Pharmacists
- Physical, occupational and speech therapists
- Hospice volunteers
When to Consider Hospice
Hospice care is suitable when patients no longer benefit from treatment aimed at curing their disease and are expected to live six months or less. Patients, their families, and their doctors decide together when hospice care should begin.
Hospice is about living. Our team strives to bring quality of life and comfort to every patient. Our goal is to help patients and their family live fully, until the end. Hospice is an experience of care and support, different from any other type of care available.
By involving hospice early when a terminal or life-limiting disease exists, we can manage a patient’s pain and symptoms; hospice is not about giving up hope. Patients who recover or go into remission can be taken out of the hospice program and return to active treatment. You can go back to hospice care at a later time, if needed. The hope that hospice brings is the hope of a quality life, making the best of each day during the last stages of advanced illness.
Hospice Locations
To learn more about hospice or to schedule an initial appointment, please contact us: A referral from your physician is the only requirement.
VNA Health at Home
740 East Laurel Road
London, KY 40741
P 606.877.3950
P 800.241.2208
Service Area: Laurel County, Clay County, Knox County, and Whitley County
VNA Health at Home
711 McDowell Blvd.
Bardstown, KY 4004
P 502.350.5500
Service Area: Nelson County