Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I stay in the hospital after my delivery?
Usually a mother and baby stay an average of two days.
Who is allowed in the delivery room with me?
This decision is generally made in conjunction with the laboring mom, physician and nurse.
Will the baby be allowed to stay in the room with me or will he/she be in the nursery the whole time?
We encourage rooming in, or keeping your baby in your room, most of the time.
When should I come to the hospital?
- If your water breaks or starts leaking
- If full-term and having contractions every five minutes that are becoming progressively stronger
- If pre-term and having contractions four or more per hour that do not go away with rest and hydration
- If baby is not moving at least 10 times per hour
- If you have any vaginal bleeding
The items listed are not all inclusive. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your physician and/or hospital.
Find a Provider
Find a primary care provider or specialist near you in our extensive network of clinics and hospitals.
To-Do Checklist for a Healthy Pregnancy
This is such a special time in your life. Here are five things to do when you find out you're pregnant.
COVID-19 Vaccine: Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Vaccination is the best way to reduce the risks of COVID-19 infection and related complications for both you and your baby.
Maternity Education Classes

Learn more about the childbirth and breastfeeding classes we offer, and register today.