Saint Joseph London
New Patients
London Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine is currently accepting new patients. Please learn about us by checking out the other pages on this website. For your first appointment, please bring your medical records, or request that your previous provider send them to us. Please be sure to bring your child's immunization record when you come for your first appointment.
Please bring a valid insurance card or be prepared to pay for your visit at the time that you are seen.
Appointments are necessary to provide you the best service. They also assure that all patients have adequate time with the doctors. Please do not expect to be seen on a walk-in basis. The staff works very hard to arrange the schedule for optimal patient care. We appreciate your understanding this when calling for appointments.
Illness will be given a same-day appointment. Checkups, follow-ups and consultations will be scheduled within a week depending on appointment availability. Every effort will be made to meet your time needs. In keeping with this, please let us know in advance if more than one child needs to be seen or if you feel a problem might take more time so we can schedule appropriately. This helps everyone so that the doctor can see you in a timely manner and give your child the attention they deserve. If you are running late or need to cancel an appointment, please call as soon as possible so we can make the appropriate adjustments to the schedule.