Welcome Spring with Saint Joseph Mount Sterling Walk With a Doc - Archived

For More Information:
Christi Henderson, Marketing Representative
[email protected]
Welcome Spring with Saint Joseph Mount Sterling Walk With a Doc
Program empowers people to improve health through physical activity
Mount Sterling, Ky. (April 7, 2015)— Enjoy the blooms of spring while getting a dose of recommended exercise with Saint Joseph Mount Sterling, part of KentuckyOne Health. The facility will begin a monthly Walk With a Doc series on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 9 a.m. at Easy Walker Park, located at 1395 Osborne Rd. in Mount Sterling.
Saint Joseph Mount Sterling will host Walk With a Doc events monthly as part of a nationwide program that empowers people to improve their health through physical activity while they exercise side-by-side with their health care providers. Participants can also receive complimentary health screenings at the event. The first event will feature Brian Glover, DO, KentuckyOne Health Primary Care Associates.
All are welcome; participants are encouraged to invite family and friends to walk together toward a healthier lifestyle. Walking has the lowest dropout rate of any physical activity, according to the American Heart Association. Research has shown that you could gain two hours of life for each hour of regular exercise.
According to America Walks, brisk walking has been shown to reduce body fat, lower blood pressure, increase high-density lipoprotein and even reduce risks of bone fracture. Not only that, it is also associated with lower mortality rates from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
For more information on Walk With a Doc events in Mount Sterling, visit http://www.walkwithadoc.org/our-locations/mount-sterling-ky or call Sr. Janet Carr at 859.497.5556.
Publish date:
Tuesday, April 07, 2015