Saint Joseph London to Host Pink-a-BOO Event for Breast Cancer Awareness - Archived

For More Information:
Sharon Hershberger, Director, Public Affairs
[email protected]
Saint Joseph London to Host Pink-a-BOO Event for Breast Cancer Awareness
Saint Joseph Hospital, part of KentuckyOne Health, will trade in the traditional Halloween orange for pink for breast cancer awareness. The healthcare system will host Pink-a-BOO events at all of its facilities as part of its Halloween festivities to encourage employees and guests to schedule their annual digital mammogram. Facilities will be decked out with pink balloons, pink decorations on breast cancer information tables, and will hold pink item giveaways.
Saint Joseph Hospital Pink-a-BOO
Monday, October 31, 2016
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saint Joseph Hospital, Cafeteria
1 St. Joseph Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
Interviews with employees and guests
B-roll of employees encouraging guests and other employees to schedule annual digital mammography screenings
Pink-a-BOO events will be held at all KentuckyOne Health facilities, including James Graham Brown Cancer Canter, Jewish Hospital, Medical Center Jewish East, Medical Center Jewish South, Medical Center Jewish Southwest, Medical Center Jewish Northeast, Flaget Memorial Hospital, Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Hospital, Our Lady of Peace, University of Louisville Hospital, Saint Joseph Hospital, Saint Joseph East, Saint Joseph London, Saint Joseph Berea, Saint Joseph Mount Sterling and Saint Joseph Martin.
Publish date:
Friday, October 21, 2016