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KentuckyOne Health Provides Free Bike Helmets to Nearly 500 Kids at Rangeland Elementary School - Archived


For More Information:
Barbara Mackovic, Senior Manager, Media Relations
502.587.4230 or 502.641.5461
[email protected]

KentuckyOne Health Provides Free Bike Helmets to Nearly 500 Kids at Rangeland Elementary School

As part of an ongoing effort to raise awareness, prevent traumatic brain injury and keep kids safe, University of Louisville Hospital and Frazier Rehab Institute, both part of KentuckyOne Health, are giving students free bike helmets. Statistics show that wearing a helmet when on a bike can reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury by 85 percent.
Last August at the Kentucky State Fair, experts with KentuckyOne Health handed out 500 free bike helmets and taught parents how to properly fit a bike helmet for their child. An additional four local schools participated in the event and are now receiving bike helmets for stopping by. Total, nearly 800 helmets will be handed out at four local schools, including Chenoweth Elementary School, Rangeland Elementary School and Coleridge-Taylor Montessori (Louisville, Ky.), along with Lebanon Elementary School (Lebanon, Ky.). Students at Rangeland Elementary School will receive 480 helmets.

Helmet fittings and giveaway- KentuckyOne Health gives 480 bike helmets to students at Rangeland Elementary School

Thursday, May 19
9 a.m.-11 a.m.

Rangeland Elementary School
1701 Rangeland Road
Louisville, Ky.

Students at Rangeland Elementary School
Volunteers with University of Louisville Hospital Trauma Center, Frazier Rehab Institute and Brain Injury Alliance of Kentucky (BIAK)
Kathy Panther, director, Frazier Rehab Institute, part of KentuckyOne Health (available for interviews)
Teachers at Rangeland Elementary School (available for interview upon request)

Head injuries occur in as many as three out of four bicycle accidents. Wearing a helmet when cycling reduces the risk of traumatic brain injury by 85 percent. University of Louisville Hospital is the only adult Level I trauma center in the region, which makes it the most qualified facility to treat serious brain injury. The interdisciplinary team of medical and clinical professionals at Frazier Rehab focuses on improving patients’ mobility and physical capabilities to help them recover following traumatic brain injury.
If you or your loved one experience a concussion, call the Frazier Rehab Institute HELPLINE at 502.420.0125.






Publish date: 

Monday, May 16, 2016