Being the “Helping Hand” that Cancer Patients Need
In overwhelming times, it helps to focus attention on one small action. One item on your to-do list, one deep breath, one act of kindness, one gift of hope.
You can provide hope and healing for those in need this holiday season by supporting the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Saint Joseph London. One center, helping one family at a time, thanks to one caring supporter: you.
In 2005, Brandon and Jaclyn Storm were expecting twins when doctors in London determined that Jaclyn’s pregnancy was high-risk. They urged the Storms to travel to Lexington for the level of care the babies needed. Born at just 28 weeks gestation, baby Anna weighed 3 pounds and Carly was only 1 pound, 11 ounces. Jaclyn stayed with friends in Lexington for over a month, going to the hospital every four hours for feedings. Brandon made a daily three-hour round trip from London while trying to keep his law practice up and running.
Having care so far away is draining for families, both emotionally and financially. Over the past 17 years, the birthing center at Saint Joseph London has made medical and technological strides. With your help this season, you ensure that local care continues to advance at the birthing center at Saint Joseph London.
Today the Storm family is thriving. Anna and Carly are healthy seniors in high school. With your assistance, Saint Joseph London can become a center of hope and help for the tiniest among us and their families. One moment of hope and gratitude, one financial gift at a time—each of us can offer hope and healing.
Every dollar you donate supports the NICU at Saint Joseph London. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause.

Donate Today
Fill out the form below to donate to the Saint Joseph London Foundation. For more information, call 859.313.1705.