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Celebrating Our People – Meet Scott

Celebrating Our People – Meet Scott

October 24, 2023 Posted in: Patients & Providers  3 minute read time

Being the Healing Presence

Saint Joseph Hospital chaplain coordinator Scott Buck, for 30 years, embraces his calling to serve with open arms. Inspired by the scripture about Abraham’s blessing, Scott emulates our ministry’s mission: to be the healing presence of God.

“What has kept me going for the past thirty years is showing up and seeing how God works through me every day,” Scott said. “Even though I’m human, and I have my own challenges and temptations, it’s evident that by showing up and choosing to be present and faithful, God chooses to work through me.”

Scott joined Saint Joseph Hospital first as a volunteer while in seminary at Asbury Seminary in 1993. He became a full-time chaplain two years later. His faith was instilled as a child, growing up in Oregon and moving to Indiana to pursue a degree in Christian education. He served as a mental health counselor before finding his calling to hospital chaplaincy.

Scott described the work of a chaplain as being present for patients, visitors and caregivers. As caregivers do their work to support the physical health of a patient, chaplains provide emotional and spiritual support.

“We’re not there with questions or requests, we’re there to be present with each patient or family member,” Scott said. “That’s the gift we offer – to help someone whether they have a clean bill of health or a terrible prognosis.”

The impact of chaplaincy is strong. Scott recalled impacting a patient’s life through ministry that the patient showed gratitude by becoming a health care worker.

“I had a cardiac patient who was young and scared following a complicated heart surgery and the complications that came with it,” Scott said. “I spent a lot of time talking to this patient during their stay. Sometime after their stay, we reconnected when they decided to pursue a career in health care. To see this person’s physical recovery and the joy and meaning that’s come into their life working in health care is amazing to me.”

As coordinator, Scott supports the chaplain team with day-to-day operational duties while also ministering to patients and caregivers. His favorite part about being at Saint Joseph Hospital are the relationships he’s built throughout his tenure.

“I’ve shared my life with my colleagues, and they’ve shared with me their concerns, their issues, their requests for prayers and support,” Scott said. “I’ve also had the honor and privilege to be present when patients are at their most vulnerable.”

Scott said he’s blessed with his life, from his calling to minister to his life at home. He’s married to his wife, Pam, for 28 years. They enjoy retreating to their cabin to renew and relax and working on home renovation projects together. He’s an active member of his church, and spends time with his dog, Ginger.

October 22-28 is National Spiritual Care Week and Pastoral Care Week. Learn more about Spiritual Care Week at

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